Posts in Operations
Transcript - Episode 020 - Pivots, Swerves and a Solid Base

People redefining themselves. It's all the rage to swerve, rebrand, and pivot. That being said, swerving candidates often give us hiring managers a reason for a sideways glance. I've been across the table from several people looking to jump career paths. Sometimes it works, sometimes it's an abject disaster. I started writing this episode with the intention of it being more rooted in the how, but my writing took a surprising twist. I went with it.

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The Purse Seine Method

An ongoing LinkedIn argument is how many interviews is ideal. And my brain went on a ride. My first instinct is to point to the data that supports a three to five interview process, based on the strategic level of the position for which you are hiring. But as I thought about it, the real thing hit me. Why aren’t companies simply telling candidates what to expect?

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